Setting Up Visual Studio Code
Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is the ideal editor for working with The A Team resources. Follow this guide to configure VS Code for streamlined development.
Step 1: Download and Install
Download and install VS Code from the official website:
Step 2: Essential Extensions
Extensions enhance functionality and provide support for Lua and FiveM development.
Lua Language Server (sumneko.lua)
The Lua Language Server improves Lua development by adding features such as:
- Intelligent autocompletion
- Code annotations
- Dynamic type checking
- Diagnostics and warnings
- Syntax and formatting tools
Get it here:
Natives and IntelliSense support for the Lua Script runtime used by FiveM and RedM (overextended.cfxlua-vscode)
This extension provides:
- Diagnostics, IntelliSense, annotations, and auto-completion
- Support for runtime/environment globals (e.g. CreateThread, promises, json, statebags)
- Support for FiveM, RedM, and CFX natives
- Support for Cfx’s implementation of the Lua language
- Support for vector, quat, and matrix types
Get it here:
Compare folders by contents (
This extension allows you to:
- Compare the old version with the new version of a resource
- Select two folders, right-click, and compare folders
Get it here:
Step 3: Configure VS Code for Lua
Customize VS Code for optimal Lua development.
- Open VS Code.
- Navigate to File > Preferences > Settings.
- Add the following configurations in
:{ "Lua.runtime.version": "Lua 5.4", "Lua.diagnostics.globals": ["Citizen", "exports", "TriggerEvent"], }
- Save and restart VS Code.
This setup will ensure a smooth development experience with tools specifically designed for your workflows.